Larix Broadcaster - Storm Streaming Server
In this guide, we show how to start streaming for the Storm Streaming Server service using the commercial software Larix Broadcaster. Larix is available for both iOS and Android operating systems.
Connection Setup
- To connect Larix to the Storm Streaming Server, select the "gear icon" from the main application window. Then choose "Connections", click the "plus" icon in the top-right corner, and select "Connection" from the list.

- In the next step, a window will appear with a list of connection settings. In the "Name" field, you can enter any name you like, such as "StormStreaming Server." Next, you need to enter the full RTMP link. Simply combine your server URL with a stream key, separated by a single slash.
- If your Storm application is configured in open mode, the server will accept any stream key and create a stream for you. For managed mode, you'll need to define login credentials and enable authentication on the Larix side. For that, pick "RTMP Authorization" under Target type, which will appear once the URL is in place. Now, all you have to do is provide a username (Login) and a password.

- Make sure to save your changes.