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Here's the sample code and a table with all possible values for overriding built-in texts and messages through the configuration object in Storm Player.
* Standard player configuration object
const playerConfig = {
containerID: "container",
width: 640,
height: 360,
title: "Awesome live stream",
subtitle: "This is going to be epic!",
translations: {
disconnected: "Disconnected from streaming server.",
connectionFailed: "Failed to connect to the streaming server.",
compatibilityError: "Your device is not compatible with the available video source.",
noSSLError: "This connection requires a secure SSL connection.",
streamError: "Error while playing the stream.",
streamNotFound: "Stream with given name was not found.",
streamStop: "The stream has ended.",
awaitingStart: "Waiting for the stream to start...",
unmute: "LIVE",
broadcastRemainingTime: "Remaining time",
broadcastStartTime: "Broadcasting will start at",
timeDays: "days",
timeHours: "hours",
timeMinutes: "minutes",
timeSeconds: "seconds"
waitingRoom: {
createTime: "2023-07-12 12:56:57",
startTime: "2023-07-12 10:27:22"
* Each player instance must be provided with both player (gui) and library configs
const player = stormPlayer(playerConfig, streamConfig);
Parameter name | Default message | Description |
disconnected | Disconnected from streaming server. | It appears when the player is disconnected from the server. |
connectionFailed | Failed to connect to the streaming server. | It appears when the attempt to connect to the server fails. |
compatibilityError | Failed to connect to the streaming server. | An error occurs when the stream cannot be displayed on the user's device (it is not compatible). |
noSSLError | This connection requires a secure SSL connection. | An error occurs when an SSL connection is required. |
streamError | Error while playing the stream. | Error during stream playback. |
streamNotFound | Stream with given name was not found. | It appears when the specified stream is not found/not active. |
streamStop | The stream has ended. | The message informs us about the stream being stopped. |
awaitingStart | Waiting for the stream to start... | Message is displayed when stream is waiting either to be publish or for encoder to connect and start sending data. |
live | LIVE | Text in the top-right corner of the screen indicating that the stream is live. |
unmute | UNMUTE SOUND | Text on the label indicating the need to activate the audio. |
broadcastRemainingTime | Remaining time | Main label for the Waiting Room. |
broadcastStartTime | Broadcasting will start at | Bottom label, an exact date will be added at the end of this string. |
timeDays | days | Label next to remaining days. |
timeHours | hours | Label next to remaining hours. |
timeMinutes | minutes | Label next to remaining minutes. |
timeSeconds | seconds | Label next to remaining seconds. |
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