RESTful API – Stream Management - Storm Streaming Cloud

Create Stream

Full create stream request.
Request typePOST
x-api-key<your api key>
Table 1. Create stream request table.
Request body.
FieldDefault valueIs requiredValidation rulesDescription
name-yesString 1-255 characters.Stream name.
description-noString 1-2000 characters.Stream description.
regionId-yesInt value from description table on the right.Defined region should be located as close as possible to the stream source.
1North America (East Coast)
2North America (West Coast)
3South America
5Asia Pacific (China)
6Asia Pacific (South Korea)
7Asia Pacific (Japan)
countdown0noInt 0/1Determines whether a countdown clock will be displayed before the stream is published.
countdownStartDate-Required if the 'countdown' field is set to '1' or 'true'.d.m.Y H:i:sThe date when you plan to publish the stream.
countdownTimezone-Required if the 'countdown' field is set to '1' or 'true'.The list of supported timezones is available in the 'Get Possible Values' request.Timezone should be set to match the local time of the event and the countdown date.
isPublished1noInt 0/1Decides if stream is published. The maximum number of simultaneously published streams defines your subscription plan.
0 – not published
1 - published
sourceTypePUSHnoString PUSH/PULLPUSH – if you plan to push new stream using popular encoders like OBS, XSplit, Streamlabs.
PULL – if you plan to pull existing stream from another streaming server.
sourceId-Required if sourceType is set to 'PULL'.Int value from source list row.You can define a list of sources at
encoderModePASSTHROUGHnoString PASSTHROUGH/ ABRDefines encoder behaviour.
PASSTHROUGH - all viewers will receive the same version of the stream that you provide us with. The encoder is not used here.
ABR – Adaptive Bitrate - a single viewer receives a version of the stream adapted to the capabilities of his device and internet. The encoder itself will select the parameters and the number of subversions of your stream.
themeId-noThe list of supported themes is available in the 'Get Possible Values' request.You can define your custom theme at
thumbnailFile-noAccepted image mimes: jpeg,png,jpg,gif,webp. Max file size: 8192KB.The thumbnail will be displayed on the list of streams in the Storm Cloud platform.
splashscreenFile-noAccepted image mimes: jpeg,png,jpg,gif,webp. Max file size: 8192KB.The splashscreen (waiting room image) will be displayed as a background behind the countdown timer.
Table 2. Create stream request body table.
      "message": "Stream has been created",
      "stream": {
        "streamKey": "9ed8b119f8ed9425a428a47846e55c6b761afc6c",
        "name": "My stream",
        "description": null,
        "regionId": 1,
        "isPublished": true,
        "countdown": {
          "isCountdown": false,
          "startDate": null,
          "timezone": null
        "sourceType": "PUSH",
        "encoderMode": "PASSTHROUGH",
        "credentials": {
          "username": "902aee51",
          "password": "f9aef6eac1d977d"
        "thumbnail": null,
        "splashscreen": null,
        "source": null,
        "targets": [],
        "themeId": 54,
        "theme": {
          "id": 54,
          "name": "test",
          "isDefault": 1,
          "theme": {
            "settings": {
              "autoStart": false
            "interface": {
              "autoGUIHide": true,
              "autoGUIHideTime": 3,
              "showBigPlayBTN": false,
              "showTimeline": false,
              "nativeMobileGUI": true
            "style": {
              "waitingRoomRings": {
                "gradientColor1": "#ff915a",
                "gradientColor2": "#ff785a"
              "unmuteLabel": {
                "backgroundColor": "#e00b0b",
                "primaryColor": "#da0c0c"
              "icons": {
                "primaryColor": "#b51a1a",
                "secondaryColor": "#000000",
                "activeColor": "#ff915a",
                "errorColor": "#df0f33"
              "backgroundColor": "#ed0e0e",
              "text": {
                "titleColor": "#ffffff",
                "subtitleColor": "#ffffff",
                "errorColor": "#ffffff"
              "borderRadius": "10px",
              "watermark": {
                "position": "bottom_left",
                "imgURL": ""
            "translations": {
              "broadcastRemainingTime": "Remaining time",
              "broadcastStartTime": "Broadcasting will start at",
              "live": "LIVE",
              "timeDays": "days",
              "timeHours": "hours",
              "timeMinutes": "minutes",
              "timeSeconds": "seconds",
              "unmute": "UNMUTE SOUND",
              "disconnected": "Disconnected from streaming server.",
              "streamNotFound": "Stream with given key was not found.",
              "connectionFailed": "Failed to connect to the streaming server.",
              "compatibilityError": "Your device is not compatible with the available video source.",
              "noSSLError": "This connection requires a secure SSL connection.",
              "streamError": "Error while playing the stream.",
              "streamStop": "The stream has ended."
          "logo": {
            "id": 1341,
            "path": ""
          "created_at": "2024-01-24T12:15:24.000000Z",
          "updated_at": "2024-01-24T16:32:56.000000Z"
        "isCreated": true,
        "createdAt": "2024-01-25T11:10:53.000000Z"
Table 3. Create stream response table.

Update Basic Info

Request to Update the Basic Info Section.
Request typePUT
URL<stream key>/basic-info
x-api-key<your api key>
URL params
<stream key>The stream key of the stream you wish to modify.
Table 4. Update basic info request table.
Request body.
FieldDefault valueIs requiredValidation rulesDescription
name-yesString 1-255 characters.Stream name.
description-noString 1-2000 characters.Stream description.
regionId-yesInteger value from the description table to the right. The list is also accessible through the 'Get Possible Values' request.Defined region should be located as close as possible to the stream source.
1North America (East Coast)
2North America (West Coast)
3South America
5Asia Pacific (China)
6Asia Pacific (South Korea)
7Asia Pacific (Japan)
countdown0noInt 0/1Determines whether a countdown clock will be displayed before the stream is published.
countdownStartDate-Required if the 'countdown' field is set to '1' or 'true'.d.m.Y H:i:sThe date when you plan to publish the stream.
countdownTimezone-Required if the 'countdown' field is set to '1' or 'true'.The list of supported timezones is available in the 'Get Possible Values' request.Timezone should be set to match the local time of the event and the countdown date.
Table 5. Update basic info request body table.
      "message": "Stream has been updated."
Table 6. Update basic info response table.

Update Sources

Request to Update the Sources Section.
Request typePUT
URL<stream key>/sources
x-api-key<your api key>
URL params
<stream key>The stream key of the stream you wish to modify.
Table 7. Update Sources request table.
Request body.
FieldDefault valueIs requiredValidation rulesDescription
sourceTypePUSHnoString PUSH/PULLPUSH – if you plan to push new stream using popular encoders like OBS, XSplit, Streamlabs.
PULL – if you plan to pull existing stream from another streaming server.
sourceId-Required if sourceType is set to 'PULL'.Int value from source list row.You can define a list of sources at
Table 8. Update Sources request body table.
        "message": "Stream has been updated."
Table 9. Update source response table.

Update Encoder

Request to Update the Encoder Section.
Request typePUT
URL<stream key>/encoder
x-api-key<your api key>
URL params
<stream key>The stream key of the stream you wish to modify.
Table 10. Update Encoder request table.
Request body.
FieldDefault valueIs requiredValidation rulesDescription
encoderModePASSTHROUGHnoString PASSTHROUGH / ABRDefines encoder behaviour.
PASSTHROUGH - all viewers will receive the same version of the stream that you provide us with. The encoder is not used here.
ABR – Adaptive Bitrate - a single viewer receives a version of the stream adapted to the capabilities of his device and internet. The encoder itself will select the parameters and the number of subversions of your stream.
Table 11. Update Encoder request body table.
        "message": "Stream has been updated."
Table 12. Update Encoder response table.

Update Player

Request to Update the Player Section.
Request typePUT
URL<stream key>/player
x-api-key<your api key>
URL params
<stream key>The stream key of the stream you wish to modify.
Table 13. Update Player request table.
Request body.
FieldDefault valueIs requiredValidation rulesDescription
themeId-noInt value from themes list row.You can define a list of sources at
Table 14. Update Player request body table.
        "message": "Stream has been updated."
Table 15. Update Player response table.

Update Thumbnail

A request to update the thumbnail image of the stream.
Request typePOST
URL<stream key>/set-thumbnail
x-api-key<your api key>
URL params
<stream key>The stream key of the stream you wish to modify.
Table 16. Update Thumbnail request table.
Request body.
FieldDefault valueIs requiredValidation rulesDescription
thumbnailFile-noAccepted image mimes: jpeg,png,jpg,gif,webp. Max file size: 8192KB.The thumbnail will be displayed on the list of streams in the Storm Cloud platform.
Table 17. Update Thumbnail request body table.
        "message": "Stream has been updated."
Table 18. Update Thumbnail response table.

Update Splashscreen (Countdown background image)

Request to update the splashcreen (countdown background image) image of the stream.
Request typePOST
URL<stream key>/set-splashscreen
x-api-key<your api key>
URL params
<stream key>The stream key of the stream you wish to modify.
Table 19. Update Splashscreen request table.
Request body.
FieldDefault valueIs requiredValidation rulesDescription
splashscreenFile-noAccepted image mimes: jpeg,png,jpg,gif,webp. Max file size: 8192KB.The splashscreen (waiting room image) will be displayed as a background behind the countdown timer.
Table 20. Update Splashscreen request body table.
        "message": "Stream has been updated."
Table 21. Update Splashscreen response table.

Set Published

Request to set publish status of the stream.
Request typePATCH
URL<stream key>/set-published
x-api-key<your api key>
URL params
<stream key>The stream key of the stream you wish to modify.
Table 22. Set published request table.
Request body.
FieldDefault valueIs requiredValidation rulesDescription
isPublished1noInt 0/1Decides if stream is published. The maximum number of simultaneously published streams defines your subscription plan.
0 – not published
1 - published
Table 23. Set published request body table.
        "message": "Stream has been updated."
Table 24. Set published response table.

Delete Stream

Request to delete stream.
Request typeDELETE
URL<stream key>
x-api-key<your api key>
URL params
<stream key>The stream key of the stream you wish to delete.
Table 25. Delete Stream request table.
        "message": "Stream has been deleted."
Table 26. Delete Stream response table.

Get Possible Values

Request for Retrieving the List of Possible Values for regionId and countdownTimezone.
Request typeGET
x-api-key<your api key>
Table 27. Get possible values request table.
Request body.
Field nameTypeDescription
timezonesString[]Specifies the allowable values for the 'timezone' field during the creation of a stream or when updating basic information.
regionsObject[]Specifies the allowable values for the 'regionId' field during the creation of a stream or when updating basic information.
isTranscodingEnabledBooleanDetermines if transcoding functionality is enabled in your subscription plan.
Table 28. Get possible values request body table.
      "possibleValues": {
        "timezones": [
          …, //rest of values
        "regions": [{
            "id": 1,
            "name": "North America (East Coast)",
            "coordinates": {
              "lat": 40.7128,
              "lon": -74.006
            "url": "",
            "pos": 1
            "id": 2,
            "name": "North America (West Coast)",
            "coordinates": {
              "lat": 34.0522,
              "lon": -118.2437
            "url": "",
            "pos": 2
            "id": 3,
            "name": "South America",
            "coordinates": {
              "lat": -14.235,
              "lon": -51.9253
            "url": "",
            "pos": 3
            "id": 4,
            "name": "Europe",
            "coordinates": {
              "lat": 51.5074,
              "lon": -0.1278
            "url": "",
            "pos": 4
            "id": 5,
            "name": "Asia Pacific (China)",
            "coordinates": {
              "lat": 39.9042,
              "lon": 116.4074
            "url": "",
            "pos": 5
            "id": 6,
            "name": "Asia Pacific (South Korea)",
            "coordinates": {
              "lat": 37.5665,
              "lon": 126.978
            "url": "",
            "pos": 6
            "id": 7,
            "name": "Asia Pacific (Japan)",
            "coordinates": {
              "lat": 35.6895,
              "lon": 139.6917
            "url": "",
            "pos": 7
            "id": 8,
            "name": "Australia",
            "coordinates": {
              "lat": -25.2744,
              "lon": 133.7751
            "url": "",
            "pos": 8
            "id": 9,
            "name": "Africa",
            "coordinates": {
              "lat": 8.7832,
              "lon": 34.5085
            "url": "",
            "pos": 9
        "isTranscodingEnabled": true
Table 29. Get possible values response table.

Get List (find)

Request to fetch stream list.
Request typeGET
x-api-key<your api key>
Table 30. Get list request table.
Request body.
FieldDefault valueIs requiredValidation rulesDescription
query-noString 1-255 characters.Flexible search field. Smart and typo-tolerant phrase matching.
page1noIntCurrent list page.
rowsPerPage10noInt 5-50Maximum rows per page.
orderdescnoString asc/descDefines the order of results: 'desc' for the newest first, 'asc' for the oldest first.
orderBycreateDatenoString createDate/streamName/isPublishedDefines the column you want to sort by.
Table 31. Get list request body table.
Response parameters.
Field nameTypeDescription
streamKeyString 40 characters.Stream unique key.
nameString 1-255 characters.Stream name.
thumbUrlString 1-255 characters. Can be null.The URL of the thumbnail image, which visually represents the stream's content, uploaded at the time of the stream's creation.
isPublishedBooleanA boolean field indicating whether the stream is currently live and viewable by the audience.
createDateString[] Y-m-d\TH:i:s.u\Z GMT +1The date and time when the stream was created in the system.
highlightString 1-350 characters. Can be null.This column designates specific search terms within a string by enclosing them in <highlight> tags, thus emphasizing the words that match the search query. It's utilized to visually differentiate the searched terms from the rest of the text.
Table 32. Get list response parameters table.
      "list": [
          "streamKey": "9ed8b119f8ed9425a428a47846e55c6b761afc6c",
          "name": "My stream",
          "thumbUrl": null,
          "isPublished": true,
          "createDate": "2024-01-25 11:10:53",
          "highlight": [
            "My <mark>stream</mark>"
          "streamKey": "f429ebe038d866ff88223498f467f59f9e7c365d",
          "name": "My stream 2",
          "thumbUrl": null,
          "isPublished": false,
          "createDate": "2024-01-25 11:03:05",
          "highlight": [
            "My <mark>stream</mark> 2"
      "totalCount": 2
Table 33. Get stream response table.

Get Stream

Request to fetch stream list.
This request is cached for 60 seconds.
Request typeGET
URL<stream key>
x-api-key<your api key>
URL params
<stream key>The stream key of the stream you wish to read.
Table 34. Get stream request table.
Response parameters.
Field nameTypeDescription
streamKeyString 40 characters.Stream unique key.
nameString 1-255 characters.Stream name.
descriptionString 1-2000 characters. Can be null.Stream description.
regionIdIntDenotes the regional source from which the stream originates.
isPublishedBooleanA boolean field indicating whether the stream is currently live and viewable by the audience.
countdownObject. Can be null.Information about stream countdown.
countdown.isCountdownBooleanIndicates whether the stream features an active countdown timer.
countdown.startDateString Y-m-d\TH:i:s.u\ZA designated start date for the stream.
countdown.timezoneString 1-50 characters.The timezone associated with the countdown timer's start date.
encoderModeString ABR/PASSTHROUGHDefines encoder mode.
credentialsObjectCredentials required to publish a stream to the Storm Cloud. Example, OBS authorization details can be found here:
credentials.usernameString 1-10 characters.Username for authorization.
credentials.passwordString 1-20 characters.Password for authorization.
thumbnailObject[]. Can be null.Information about the thumbnail image set during stream creation. The thumbnail is utilized in Storm Cloud lists.
thumbnail[].sizeNameString 1-30 characters.Size name of thumbnail image.
thumbnail[].widthIntWidth of thumbnail image.
thumbnail[].heightIntHeight of thumbnail image.
splashscreenObject[]. Can be null.Details regarding the splash screen image set during stream creation. The splash screen serves as the background in the player during countdown.
splashscreen[].sizeNameString 1-30 characters.Size name of splashscreen image.
splashscreen[].widthIntWidth of splashscreen image.
splashscreen[].heightIntHeight of splashscreen image.
sourceTypeString PUSH/PULLDefines if stream is PUSHED or PULLED from other streaming server.
sourceObject. Can be null.The source information of the stream when the 'sourceType' field is set to 'PULL'.
source.idIntSource identifier.
source.nameString 1-255 characters.Source name.
source.protocolString RTMP/RTSP/SRTSource protocol.
source.urlString 1-255 characters.The source URL from which Storm will fetch the stream.
source.isAuthBooleanDetermines whether authorization is required for fetching the stream.
source.authUsernameString 1-100 characters.Source authorization username.
source.authPasswordString 1-100 characters.Source authorization password.
source.isCreatedBooleanDetermines if the source creation process is complete and ready for use.
source.createdAtString Y-m-d\TH:i:s.u\ZSource create date.
targetsObject[]Specifies the target destinations to which the stream will be forwarded.
targets[].nameString 1-255 characters.Target name.
targets[].restreamTypeString 1-30.The restream type of the target, for example, 'Facebook'.
targets[].urlString 1-255 characters.The target URL to which Storm will push the stream.
targets[].isAuthBooleanDetermines whether authorization is required for push.
targets[].authUsernameString 1-100 characters.Target authorization username.
targets[].authPasswordString 1-100 characters.Target authorization password.
targets[].isCreatedBooleanDetermines if the target creation process is complete and ready for use.
targets[].createdAtString Y-m-d\TH:i:s.u\ZTarget create date.
themeIdInt. Can be nullChosen theme identifier.
themeObjectInformation about the player's theme.
theme.idIntTheme identifier.
theme.nameString 1-255 characters.Theme name.
theme.isDefaultBooleanDetermines if the theme is used as the default when no theme is set for the stream.
theme.themeObjectTheme settings.
theme.logoObject. Can be null.The logo that will be displayed on the player.
theme.logo.idIntLogo id.
theme.logo.pathString 1-255 characters.Logo path.
theme.createdAtString Y-m-d\TH:i:s.u\ZTheme create date.
theme.updatedAtString Y-m-d\TH:i:s.u\ZTheme last update date.
isCreatedBooleanDetermines if the stream is finalized and ready for use.
createdAtString Y-m-d\TH:i:s.u\ZStream create date.
Table 35. Get stream response parameters table.
      "stream": {
        "streamKey": "9ed8b119f8ed9425a428a47846e55c6b761afc6c",
        "name": "My stream",
        "description": "Sample description",
        "regionId": 1,
        "isPublished": true,
        "countdown": {
          "isCountdown": true,
          "startDate": "2024-01-26T15:25:53.000000Z",
          "timezone": "Europe/Warsaw"
        "sourceType": "PULL",
        "encoderMode": "ABR",
        "credentials": {
          "username": "902aee51",
          "password": "f9aef6eac1d977d"
        "thumbnail": [{
            "sizeName": "1280x720",
            "width": 1000,
            "height": 563,
            "path": ""
            "sizeName": "128x72",
            "width": 128,
            "height": 72,
            "path": "https://"
        "splashscreen": [{
            "sizeName": "1280x720",
            "width": 1280,
            "height": 720,
            "path": ""
            "sizeName": "128x72",
            "width": 128,
            "height": 72,
            "path": ""
        "source": {
          "id": 53,
          "name": "Sample RTMP pull",
          "protocol": "RTMP",
          "url": "rtmp://XXXXXX/live/xxx",
          "isAuth": true,
          "authUsername": "sampleusername",
          "authPassword": "samplepassword",
          "isCreated": true,
          "createdAt": "2024-01-24T11:48:09.000000Z"
        "targets": [{
          "id": 17,
          "name": "Facebook",
          "restreamType": "FACEBOOK",
          "url": "rtmp://facebookrtmpurl/",
          "isAuth": false,
          "authUsername": null,
          "authPassword": null,
          "isCreated": true,
          "createdAt": "2023-06-20T19:12:12.000000Z"
        "themeId": 54,
        "theme": {
          "id": 54,
          "name": "test",
          "isDefault": 1,
          "theme": {
            "settings": {
              "autoStart": false
            "interface": {
              "autoGUIHide": true,
              "autoGUIHideTime": 3,
              "showBigPlayBTN": false,
              "showTimeline": false,
              "nativeMobileGUI": true
            "style": {
              "waitingRoomRings": {
                "gradientColor1": "#ff915a",
                "gradientColor2": "#ff785a"
              "unmuteLabel": {
                "backgroundColor": "#e00b0b",
                "primaryColor": "#da0c0c"
              "icons": {
                "primaryColor": "#b51a1a",
                "secondaryColor": "#000000",
                "activeColor": "#ff915a",
                "errorColor": "#df0f33"
              "backgroundColor": "#ed0e0e",
              "text": {
                "titleColor": "#ffffff",
                "subtitleColor": "#ffffff",
                "errorColor": "#ffffff"
              "borderRadius": "10px",
              "watermark": {
                "position": "bottom_left",
                "imgURL": ""
            "translations": {
              "broadcastRemainingTime": "Remaining time",
              "broadcastStartTime": "Broadcasting will start at",
              "live": "LIVE",
              "timeDays": "days",
              "timeHours": "hours",
              "timeMinutes": "minutes",
              "timeSeconds": "seconds",
              "unmute": "UNMUTE SOUND",
              "disconnected": "Disconnected from streaming server.",
              "streamNotFound": "Stream with given key was not found.",
              "connectionFailed": "Failed to connect to the streaming server.",
              "compatibilityError": "Your device is not compatible with the available video source.",
              "noSSLError": "This connection requires a secure SSL connection.",
              "streamError": "Error while playing the stream.",
              "streamStop": "The stream has ended."
          "logo": {
            "id": 1341,
            "path": ""
          "created_at": "2024-01-24T12:15:24.000000Z",
          "updated_at": "2024-01-24T16:32:56.000000Z"
        "isCreated": true,
        "createdAt": "2024-01-25T11:10:53.000000Z"
Table 36. Get stream response table.
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