Storm Streaming

More about us

Our promises?
Just stream.
No delay

Storm Streaming Server and Storm Streaming Cloud are all registered trademarks of Web-Anatomy s.c. The company's headquarters is located in the city of Bielsko-Biała, Southern Poland. The company was founded in 2007 by two video-streaming veterans with over 15 years of experience in creating advanced video products and services.

Our first commercially available product is Storm Streaming Server, along its Cloud counterpart and revolutionary Marketplace service. Storm Streaming Server („Storm” for short) is a high performance video server created with ultra-low latency in mind. Live auctions, video conferences, esport – Storm is a perfect solution when every millisecond matters.

Storm was created out of nessesity. Prior to its development our team was involved in creating some of the largest VOD websites in central europe, along some highly successful adult live-cam services. Lack of direct replacement for Adobe Flash Player in HTML5 forced us to search for alternatives. Unhappy with what market had to offering at the time a decision was made to create something new and truly unique.

For the next decade we have an ambition to become major world player in video streaming technology. We believe that our Marketplace has the potential to become a groundbreaking solution to streaming services across the globe.

Come work at Storm Streaming

Streaming specialist
Detailed description of work request
  • Answering tech support and customer service questions via email
  • Identifying recurring customer issues and helping to solve them
  • Staying up-to-date about the latest bugs and feature launches through reading emails from Storm’s HQ team
  • Having virtual coffee with us :)
What we’re looking for:
  • Experience Live Streaming (using encoders, going live on any platform, etc) is a must
  • Experience with online video streaming or transcoding
  • English communication skills
  • Experience with distributed computing and enterprise-wide systems
Expected Hours of Work:
  • Full Time Temporary - 40 hours/week for 7 months
Do you think it's work for you?
Java developer
Detailed description of work request:
  • Implementing new features in the project
  • Contribution to standards and adherence to best practices around development processes and code quality including code documentation
  • Taking part in an Agile process with the team
What we’re looking for:
  • Experience with relational database development and integration (preferably on Oracle, DB/2, PostgreSQL, ORM framework)
  • System integration experience: SOAP, REST Web Services, JPA, JMS, JAXB, JAX-RS
  • Experience with unit testing and mocking frameworks (e.g. JUnit, Mockito)
  • English communication skills
Expected Hours of Work:
  • Full Time Temporary - 40 hours/week for 7 months
Do you think it's work for you?
Still have questions?Contact our sales team and let us find the right plan for you.Contact us