Identity & Group Configuration - Storm Streaming Server

The first thing we should do after installing the server is to configure server identification. To do this, we need to edit the preferences.xml file, which contains the entire configuration for the Storm Streaming Server application.

Sample Configuration

Below you’ll find the default configuration for server identity:


Field Explanation

ServerNameThe common name of this server is intended to facilitate server identification. This value is also used as the server ID when configuring a cluster.
GroupNameThe name of the group to which the server belongs. Like the ServerName, it is used in cluster configuration and can be anything.
DefaultDomainThis is the domain name (optionally the IP address) under which this server is accessible. For testing use “localhost”, while for production/cluster configuration something like “” will be better.
Table 1. Field explanation table


For verification, please check logs or output messages. You should see something like that:

14:50:25 INFO  Config - Identity :: Server Name: "MyStromServer" | Server Group: "DevGroup" | Default Domain: "localhost"
Next Step

In the next step you'll learn how to configure Sever License.

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