For the next step please check our Storm JavaScript Player - API Methods where you’ll learn about available API methods.
The list below contains all the listeners related to the behavior of the player itself (its interface). Feel free to add events from the Storm Library that you will find here: Playback Events - Storm JavaScript Library and here Library Events - Storm JavaScript Library.
Event name | Additional data | Description | Can be fired more than once? |
interfaceReady | no | Event fires when the player interface is ready. This action takes place before libraryCreated event. | no |
libraryCreated | no | Event fires when the player library is created. This action takes place after interfaceReady event. | no |
libraryInitialize | no | Event fires when the Storm JavaScript Library is initialized. | no |
playClick | no | Event fires when user clicks any play button. | yes |
pauseClick | no | Event fires when user clicks the pause button. | yes |
videoClick | no | Event fires when user clicks the video screen. | yes |
muteClick | no | Event fires when user mutes the volume. | yes |
unmuteClick | no | Event fires when volume is unmuted. | yes |
qualitySwitchClick | no | Event fires when user chooses different stream quality. | yes |
sourceChange | no | Event fires when a stream quality is changed. | yes |
fullscreenEnter | no | Event fires when user enters fullscreen mode. | yes |
fullscreenExit | no | Event fires when user exits fullscreen mode. | yes |
errorMessage | no | Event fires whenever an error message appears. | yes |
guiShow | no | Event fires whenever player interface becomes visible (e.g. user mouse activity). | yes |
guiHide | no | Event fires whenever player interface becomes invisible (user mouse inactivity). | yes |
titleUpdate | no | Event fires whenever a stream title is added or updated. | yes |
subtitleUpdate | no | Event fires whenever a stream subtitle is added or updated. | yes |
seekStart | no | Event fires whenever a user grabs progress bar thumb (mouse button down). | yes |
seekEnd | no | Event fires whenever a user releases progress bar thumb (mouse button up). | yes |
seekSet | no | Event fires every time a user clicks on a progress bar or releases progress bar thumb in a new place. | yes |
cuePointAdd | no | Event fires every time new CUE Point is added. | yes |
cuePointRemove | no | Event fires whenever an existing CUE Point is removed. | yes |
waitingRoomCreate | no | Event fires whenever a Waiting Room is created. | no |
waitingRoomEnd | no | Event fires when a Waiting Room is closed (timeout). | no |
playerConfigUpdate | no | Informs about new player config that was added using setPlayerConfig method. | yes |
streamConfigUpdated | no | Informs about new stream config that was added using setStreamConfig method. | yes |
resize | newWidth:number, newHeight:number | Event fires whenever player size is changed. | yes |
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