RESTful API - Server Management - Storm Streaming Server

This section describes Storm’s RESTful API regarding server basic functionality and information.

Server Version and Branch

Request typeGET
AnswerHTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

         "osName":"Mac OS X",
         "javaVendor":"Oracle Corporation",
Table 1. Server version and branch table.

Field explanation:

storm:versionStorm’s current version
strom:branchCode branch, usually “main”, unless code for compiled for specific environment or client.
storm:protocol_revSpecifies required protocol version for web video player.
software:osNameOperating system name.
software:osVersionOperating system version.
software:osArchOperating system architecture.
hardware:cpuCountNumber of cores for the processor (including virtual cores).
hardware:totalMemoryTotal memory size for this machine in bytes.
Table 2. Server version and branch fields table.

Server Status

Request typeGET
AnswerHTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

Table 3. Server status table

Field explanation:

statusStorm’s status. Possible values: “running”, “closing”, “error”.
startDateExact start time in Unix time.
Table 4. Server status fields table.

Shutting Server Down

Request typePUT
Request Data

AnswerHTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

Table 5. Shutting server down table.

Field explanation:

commandRepeats command from Request Data.
Table 6. Shutting server down fields table.

Restarting Server

Request typePUT
Request Data

AnswerHTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

Table 7. Restarting server table.

Field explanation:

commandRepeats command from Request Data.
Table 8. Restarting server fields table.

Server CPU/Memory Usage

Request typeGET
AnswerHTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

Table 9. Server CPU/memory usage table.

Field explanation:

CPULoadCurrent CPU load in precents. Value 1.0 means 100% of all CPUs.
totalAllocatedMemoryTotal amount of memory allocated by the server.
totalUsedMemoryAmount of memory being used by the server.
threadPoolNameName of a specific thread-pool.
activeThreadsNumber of threads performing tasks.
totalThreadsTotal number of threads in this thread-pool.
awaitingTasksNumber of tasks awaiting to be performed by threads in this pool.
tasksPerSecondNumber of tasks performed per second.
Table 10. Server CPU/memory usage fields table.

Server License

Request typeGET
AnswerHTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

Table 11. Server license table.

Field explanation:

licenseStateLicense status: VALID, INVALID.
maxTranscodingMax transcoding tasks per server, -1 means unlimited.
maxBroadcastsMax active broadcasts tasks per server, -1 means unlimited.
maxConnectionsMax simultaneous viewer connections per server, -1 means unlimited.
expireDateUnix time for license expiration.
Table 12. Server license fields table.
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