Introduction - Storm Streaming Player

What is Storm Streaming Player?

The Storm Streaming Player is a suite of video player projects specifically designed for the Storm Streaming Server software and Storm Streaming Cloud service. Its primary function is to enable the playback of audio-video streams with the least possible latency (below 1 second). Among the available players are those designed for websites (JavaScript), but also for mobile platforms like iOS and Android (in the form of SDKs).

What is Storm Library and how does it differ from Storm Player?

All our libraries were developed in two fundamental versions. The first is known as the Storm Library. This is the core of the player. It facilitates communication with the Storm Streaming Server/Cloud and has a considerable set of APIs that allow control of its behavior. However, it lacks a user interface—aside from the video element itself. The Storm Player, on the other hand, extends the Storm Library with a GUI—buttons, sliders, volume control, and stream quality.

When should I use Storm Library, and when should I use Storm Player?

The Storm Library enables relatively simple creation or integration of video streams with an existing website or app design. It's up to the developer to add the necessary buttons. The Storm Library is also much lighter due to the absence of graphic elements. The Storm Player, however, provides a ready-to-use, full-featured solution. There is the possibility of some customization of the Storm Player (e.g., color scheme).

Table of Contents

  1. JavaScript - Basic information about the Storm JavaScript Library and Storm JavaScript Player:
    1. Getting started - Section dedicated to the Storm Library for the JavaScript platform.
    2. Storm JavaScript Library - Section dedicated to the Storm Library for the JavaScript platform:
      1. Installation - Section describing various methods of implementing the Library:
        1. Basic Installation - Basic installation using an external js file and npm.
        2. React Implementation - Implementation guide for the React JS framework.
        3. Angular Implementation - Implementation guide for the AngularJS framework.
      2. Configuration – Configuration of the library:
        1. Stream & Server - Configuration of server list and streamKey.
        2. General Settings - General settings of the library.
        3. Video Settings - Video element settings like scaling, aspect-ratio.
        4. Audio Settings - Volume settings.
        5. Buffer Settings - Buffer size settings.
        6. Debug Settings - Configuration of Debug options.
        7. Stream Security - Configuration of tokens and stream security.
      3. Events & Listeners – Section discussing the event and listener system:
        1. Events Basics - Basics of event concepts, registration & callbacks.
        2. Library Events - List of available events related to library functionality.
        3. Playback Events - List of available events related to the video playback process.
      4. API Methods - Available API methods for controlling the library.
    3. Storm JavaScript Player - Section dedicated to the Storm Player for the JavaScript platform:
      1. Installation - Section describing various methods of implementing the Library:
        1. Basic Installation - Basic installation using an external js file and npm.
        2. React Implementation - Implementation guide for the React JS framework.
        3. Angular Implementation - Implementation guide for the AngularJS framework.
      2. Configuration - Basic configuration of the Player:
        1. Connection & StreamKey - Configuration of server list and streamKey.
        2. General Settings - General settings of the Player.
        3. Waiting Room - Countdown configuration.
        4. interface & Styling - Detailed and interactive guide on Player styling.
        5. Translations - How to translate or modify basic Player messages.
      3. Events & Listeners – Section discussing the event and listener system:
        1. Events & Listeners Basics - Basics of event concepts, registration & callbacks.
        2. Player Events - List of available events related to Player functionality.
      4. API Methods - Available API methods for controlling the library.
  2. Android - Basic information about the Storm Android Library and Storm Android Player:
    1. Getting started - Basic information about Storm Android Library and it’s Player counterpart.
    2. Storm Android Library - Section containing documentation for Storm Library for Android SDK:
      1. Installation - How to properly install and configure Storm Library in Android Studio IDE.
      2. Basic Explanation - Detailed explanation for the Library code and its functions.
      3. Media Management - How to manage broadcasts within the Player.
      4. Events & Listeners - Section dedicated to Events & Listeners:
        1. Events Basics - Basics of Event-Listener concept for Storm Android Library.
        2. Library Events - List of available library related events.
        3. Video Events - List of available video & playback related events.
      5. API Methods - Available API methods for controlling the Library.
    3. Storm Android Player - Section dedicated to Storm Player for Android SDK:
      1. Installation - How to properly install and configure Storm Player in Android Studio IDE.
      2. Basic Explanation - Detailed explanation for the Player code and its functions.
      3. Events & Listeners - Section dedicated to Events & Listeners:
        1. Events Basics - Basics of Event-Listener concept for Storm Android Player.
        2. Player Events - List of available Player-related events.
      4. API Methods - Available API methods for controlling the Player.
  3. iOS - Basic information about the Storm iOS Library and Storm iOS Player:
    1. Getting started - Basic information about Strom iOS Library and it’s Player counterpart.
    2. Storm iOS Library - Section containing documentation for Storm Library for iOS SDK:
      1. Installation - How to properly install and configure Storm Library in XCode IDE.
      2. Basic Explanation - Detailed explanation for the Library code and its functions.
      3. Media Management - How to manage broadcasts within the Player.
      4. Events & Listeners - Section dedicated to Events & Listeners:
        1. Events Basics - Basics of Event-Listener concept for Storm iOS Library.
        2. Library Events - List of available library related events.
        3. Video Events - List of available video & playback related events.
      5. API Methods - Available API methods for controlling the Library.
  4. Storm iOS Player - Section dedicated to Storm Player for iOS SDK:
    1. Installation - How to properly install and configure Storm Player in XCode IDE.
    2. Basic Explanation - Detailed explanation for the Player code and its functions.
    3. Events & Listeners - Section dedicated to Events & Listeners:
      1. Events Basics - Basics of Event-Listener concept for Storm iOS Player.
      2. Player Events - List of available Player-related events.
    4. API Methods - Available API methods for controlling the Player.
Next Step

For the next step we suggest to pick our Getting Started guides for JavaScript, iOS or Android