RESTful API - Server Management - Storm Streaming Server

This section describes Storm’s RESTful API regarding server basic functionality and information.

Server version and branch

This section describes Storm’s RESTful API regarding server basic functionality and information.

Request typeGET
AnswerHTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

         "osName":"Mac OS X",
         "javaVendor":"Oracle Corporation",
Table 1. Server version and branch table

Field explanation:

storm:versionStorm’s current version
strom:branchCode branch, usually “main”, unless code for compiled for specific environment or client.
storm:protocol_revSpecifies required protocol version for web video player.
software:osNameOperating system name.
Operating system nameOperating system version.
software:osArchOperating system architecture.
hardware:cpuCountNumber of cores for the processor (including virtual cores).
hardware:totalMemoryTotal memory size for this machine in bytes.
Table 2. Server version and branch fields table

Server status

Request typeGET
AnswerHTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

Table 3. Server status table

Field explanation:

statusStorm’s status. Possible values: “running”, “closing”, “error”
startDateExact start time in Unix time
Table 4. Server status fields table

Shutting Server Down

Request typePUT
Request Data

AnswerHTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

Table 5. Shutting server down table

Field explanation:

commandRepeats command from Request Data
Table 6. Shutting server down fields table.

Restarting Server

Request typePUT
Request Data

AnswerHTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

Table 7. Restarting server table

Field explanation:

commandRepeats command from Request Data
Table 8. Restarting server fields table.

Server CPU/Memory usage

Request typeGET
AnswerHTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

Table 9. Server CPU/memory usage table

Field explanation:

CPULoadCurrent CPU load in precents. Value 1.0 means 100% of all CPUs.
totalAllocatedMemoryTotal amount of memory allocated by the server.
totalUsedMemoryAmount of memory being used by the server.
threadPoolNameName of a specific thread-pool.
activeThreadsNumber of threads performing tasks.
totalThreadsTotal number of threads in this thread-pool.
awaitingTasksNumber of tasks awaiting to be performed by threads in this pool.
tasksPerSecondNumber of tasks performed per second.
Table 10. Server CPU/memory usage fields table

Server license

Request typeGET
AnswerHTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

Table 11. Server license table

Field explanation:

licenseStateLicense status: VALID, INVALID
maxTranscodingMax transcoding tasks per server, -1 means unlimited
maxBroadcastsMax active broadcasts tasks per server, -1 means unlimited
maxConnectionsMax simultaneous viewer connections per server, -1 means unlimited
expireDateUnix time for license expiration.
Table 12. Server license fields table