Video events are related to the video behaviors (not the player itself).
Event name | Additional data | Description | Can be fired more than once? |
videoConnecting | no | The event is triggered whenever the player starts requesting a video stream. It's the first event in the sequence for a successful playback. | yes (once per video) |
videoBuffering | no | This event tells us that a video content is being prepared for playback. It’s not playing yet, but it will start very soon. It's the second event in the sequence for a successful playback. | yes (once per video) |
videoMetadata | yes | This event contains all data related to the video (like resolutions, codecs). It's the third event in the sequence for a successful playback. | yes (once per video) |
videoPlay | no | The event is fired whenever the playback starts. It's the fourth and final event in the sequence for a successful playback. | yes |
videoPause | no | The event is triggered when the playback is paused (though user interaction) | yes |
videoNotFound | no | This event is called whenever a stream with a specific name was not found (was not published or is not ready yet). This event will be triggered after videoConnecting only and will stop a playback sequence. | yes (once per video) |
volumeChange | newVolume | This event tells us that video volume was changed (either by the system or by a user). | yes |
videoStop | no | This event will be called when the stream is closed on the server side (usually it means that the broadcaster has stopped streaming). | yes (once per video) |
videoError | yes | This event indicates that there was a problem with playback (it usually means that the browser was not able to play it). | yes (once per video) |
videoProgress | yes | Event informs on video progress, source stream time, source stream start time and current viewer time. | yes (once per video) |