initialize() | - | void | Activates all scripts within the player. All event-listeners should be already attached to the player. |
getPlayerID() | Player ID (first player starts with 0, next one gets 1, etc.) | number | Method returns the player id. |
getConfig() | A config object provided as a first parameter | Object | This method returns the main config object that was provided to the player. |
getRole() | "player" or "streamer" | string | This method returns whether the player is working in the “player” or “streamer” mode (the streamer function has not been implemented yet). |
getVersion() | Player version | string | This method returns player version. |
play() | - | void | This method will force the player to play the specific content (if it was paused previously). |
pause() | - | void | This method pauses current playback. |
stop() | - | void | This method will stop the current playback and cease all operations. |
restart() | - | void | The player is restarted to the default state (a combination of stop() and start() methods). |
togglePlay() | - | void | This method will work as a pause/play switch depending on the current player state. |
isPlaying() | true if player is playing a content, false otherwise. | void | Returns true/false depending on current player state. |
getPlaybackStatus() | initialized, started, playing, paused, buffering, stopped | string | Returns current player state. |
seek(time:number) | - | void | Seeks stream to a given time (stream source timestamp) |
mute() | - | void | Mutes the player’s video object. It’s not the same as setVolume(0), as both methods can be applied together. |
unmute() | - | void | The method unmutes the player’s video object. |
toggleMute() | - | void | Switches mute on/off. |
isMute() | True if player is muted, or false if it’s not | boolean | This method can be used to check whether the player is muted. |
setVolume(newVolume:int) | - | void | Sets new volume for the player (0-100). Once the method is performed "volumeChange" event will be triggered. |
getVolume() | Current volume level | number | Returns player volume (0-100). |
setSize(width:int, height:int) | - | void | Forces the player to resize to specific dimensions. |
setWidth(width:int) | - | void | Sets a new width for the player. |
getWidth() | Player width | number | Returns Player width |
setHeight(height:int) | - | void | Sets a new height for the player. |
getHeight() | Player height | number | Returns Player height |
setScalingMode(newMode:string) | - | void | Changes player scaling mode. For reference, please check scaling mode in the player config. |
getScalingMode() | Current scaling mode | string | Current player scaling mode. For reference, please check scaling mode in the player config. |
destroy() | - | void | Destroys the player and removes it from the container. |
addEventListener(eventName:string, callback:function, thisRef:object, priority:number, logMessage:string = "") | - | void | Registers an event with the player object. Whenever a registered event occurs, player will call a predefined function provided |
removeEventListener(eventName:string, callback:function) | - | void | Removes event listener from the player. |
getAllSources() | - | Object | Returns all stream sources added to the player. |
getAvailableQualities() | Object containing available qualities (their labels) | Object | Returns list of all available stream qualities. Qualities are derived from streamInfo.label sources parameter. |
setQuality(quality:string) | - | void | Forces player to start the playback matching this quality (streamInfo.label source parameter). |
getCurrentQuality() | Label for current stream quality | string | Returns current stream quality. If streamInfo.label parameter was not defined - "none" will be returned. |
addStreamSource(sourceItem:Object, addAndPlay:boolean) | - | string | Add new stream object to the player. It can also start playing it automatically. |
getAbsoluteStreamTime() | Unixtime | number | Returns stream time. |